We have a new PV record holder!
June 7, 2023
A Palo Verde High School record has been broken! Our very own Senior Matthew Robertson broke the school record for the fastest 100 meter sprint of all time at a whopping 10.74 seconds. Along with breaking the school record Matthew also won medals in 3 different events, two of them being first place finishes. Matthew will now advance to the state CIF championship to compete for more glory. I asked our new school record holder what it felt like to be the new record holder, he said “It was an incredible feeling to know that I was the new record holder for something at PV, it’s cool to know that my name will be written in history at PV.”
The CIF SDS championship took place on May 20, 2023 with Matthew Robertson participating in 3 events, I asked Matthew what it was like to compete in so many events he stated, “It was somewhat tiring but at the end of the day I still gave it my all in every event I raced in.” Many schools from the San Diego area showed up to the CIF SDS Championships so I asked Matthew how he was feeling competing against the best of the best from so many schools, he said “I try to not let the pressure get to me and stay cool and not let my nerves get to me.” I heard from a professional fighter once tat the secret to anxiety is to trick yourself and turn it into excitement cause when your nervous is when you’re most dangerous.
To break a school record is truly a once in a lifetime experience and to be able to see it broken in our time at PV is truly an awesome thing. People take stuff like what this generation of sports players are doing right now for granted, we’re getting so used to winning that things like what Matthew Robertson did seem like they’re not getting enough attention and credit, I asked mathew his thoughts after everything was all said and done and he was driving home, he said “Once everything was done I just enjoyed the feeling of winning and reminiscing the experience of taking first place in the events”
Now Matthew will go on to compete in the State CIF Track meet championships on May 26, 2023. Matthew will once again compete in the 100m dash and 200m dash with now more one the line than ever before, either way win or lose whatever happens to Matthew we will still support him and cheer him on to the fullest of our ability and never stop showing support for our record holder.
Update: Matthew Robertsons incredible track and field season is officially done. Matthew ended up placing 24 in the 100m dash and he placed 18 in the 200m dash, incredible feats! Out of over 2,000,000 high school students in California Matthew was the 24th and 8th fastest athlete! I asked Matthew his thoughts on the CIF State Track and Field Championship he had this to say, “It’s disappointing to lose but I understand these guys train year round for this stuff so i’m not gonna put myself down to hard for this.” Congratulations to Matthew Robertson on an incredible track and field season, accomplishing so many things including breaking the school record and representing PV at the CIF State Track and Field Championships, great job Mathew! Everyone at PV is so incredibly proud of you and everything you’ve done!